Map of the Southern States of America
J. Russell
American Atlas Published by H. D. Symonds January 16, 1795
Copperplate engraving
This map is highly informative and addresses the Southern States with much detail. The South Carolina coast is clearly defined with place names established and used even today.
The Catawba Nation is delineated on the North and South Carolina border. Among other Indian tribes noted, the Chickasaws, Muskogees and Creeks are shown to occupy much of the land in South Carolina and Georgia.
A small township called “Charlottburg” is shown just above the North Carolina border, and “Kingston” (now Conway) is located near the “Wakkamaw” River.
Note that Western expansion continues beyond Kentucky where there are “Company” names and “Army Lands” represented.
reproduced from The Mapmaker’s Art: The Bishop Collection of Antique Maps from the permanent collection of the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
printed by 803 Labs, Inc.
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